1.The Delegation did not see how a member could not be in agreement with this as an important objective of the cooperation rendered by WIPO.
2.Overall, I feel you will be in agreement with the wording of this contract, but you should still have a lawyer take a look at it to be sure.
3."Our federation categorically wants to avoid any problems with the French federation and I am totally in agreement with that, " he said.
4.On this point I find myself in agreement with The Wall Street Journal editorial page, not usually my favorite handbook on press conduct.
5.If you do not know who you are, what are your interests and values, you can hardly act in agreement with yourself.
6.IF the above account is not in agreement with your records , please provide details of the difference to us .
7.The unified front represents and seeks harmony as well and is in essence in agreement with building a harmonious society.
8.In the natural sciences a theory can be maintained only if it is in agreement with experimentally established facts.
9.He then published his work with this diminished accuracy and was able to establish that his theory was in agreement with observation.
10.I got only a few sentences in, mostly in agreement with his somewhat unusual but pretty insightful opinions about what they wrote.